RUA Annual Exhibition open…

I have two Scraperboards in this years RUA annual exhibition which is now open to the public in the Ulster Museum. 143rd Royal Ulster Academy Annual Exhibition Venue- The Ulster Museum, Belfast Until 6th January 2025 @ruabelfast @ulstermuseum #exhibition #contemporaryart #royalulsteracademy #royalulsteracademyannualexhibition #ruaannualexhibition #ulstermuseum #RUA  #RUA2024 #irishart #scraperboard #scratchboard View my work on their website…

WCSI 169th Exhibition continues…

  The Water Colour Society of Ireland 169th Exhibition continues until this weekend. Farmleigh Gallery, Phoenix Park >> Open 10am to 5pm daily. Closes 2pm next Sunday, 13th October. As well as my watercolour works in the show I have these three drawings available unframed in the browsers. watercolour_society_of_ireland Open 10-5 daily. @Farmleigh Gallery watercolour_society_of_ireland #lifedrawing…

Europa Gallery

I have one Scraperboard piece in a show in the new Europa Gallery in Dublin. The opening exhibition is titled ‘Europe in the Heart of Ireland’ and 100 hundred artists living in Ireland were selected, via open call, for the exhibition. Link here>> Thanks to The Hamilton Gallery #scraperboard #scratchboard #irishart #irishartist #exhibition #gallery…