RHA Annual Exhibition
Very pleased to hear that I got a Scraperboard in to this years RHA Annual Exhibition>> one ACCEPTED and one POSSIBLE. This was accepted, “Midwinter-Midafternoon” Scraperboard 32 x 40cm
Very pleased to hear that I got a Scraperboard in to this years RHA Annual Exhibition>> one ACCEPTED and one POSSIBLE. This was accepted, “Midwinter-Midafternoon” Scraperboard 32 x 40cm
One from my current exhibition in The United Arts Club. To give an idea of the Scaperboard process here is an early stage image and then the final piece. There is quite a bit of work between the two. The show runs until the end of the month, dates and times below Exhibition continues until…
“Drawing With Light”- My exhibition is up on the walls of the United Arts Club now and officially opens tomorrow Thursday 4th April at 8pm. A few shots of the show…
“Drawing with Light” Exhibition of work by Brian Gallagher To be opened by Artist Comhghall Casey ARUA Thursday 4th April 2019 @ 8pm The United Arts Club 3 Upper Fitzwilliam St Dublin 2 www.dublinarts.com www.bdgart.com Exhibition continues until 28th April 2019 Tues to Fri- 11.00am to 11.00pm Sat- 6.00pm to 11.00pm Sun- 4.00pm to 6.00pm…
Here is an Irish Whiskey label I worked on, the scraparboard is of a local Seine Boat. The official launch of Portmagee>> took place at The Bridge Bar in Portmagee Sunday the 30th of December 2018. www.portmageewhiskey.com
All available and currently on display in the Christmas Exhibition At The Doorway Gallery, Dublin>>
A recent Scraperboard currently on display in the Doorway Gallery Dublin>>
I have these two scraperboard in an exhibition that opens on Thursday in The United Arts Club, Dublin. Urban-Rural Illustrators Ireland – group exhibition 2018 To be opened by PJ Lynch Illustrator & Artist Thursday 4th October 2018 @ 8pm Exhibition continues to Saturday 20th October 2018 Viewing Tuesday to Friday 11am to 11pm…