Easter Rising- 1916-2016
Some more images of full length figures in
The GPO: Witness History Interpretive Exhibition Centre
GPO Witness History
A Newsboy and Wealthy Boy from Dublin at the time.
Some more images of full length figures in
The GPO: Witness History Interpretive Exhibition Centre
GPO Witness History
A Newsboy and Wealthy Boy from Dublin at the time.
Another one from this weeks exhibition “Making History” – Ireland 2016 A show of historic illustration from members of Illustrators Ireland www.illustratorsireland.com To be opened by Donna Cooney Artist – 1916 Relatives Association – Save Moore Street Thursday 10th March @ 8pm The United Arts Club 3 Upper Fitzwilliam Street Dublin 2
Here is a sneak previw of a section of some work of mine from next weeks exhibition “Making History” – Ireland 2016 A show of historic illustration from members of Illustrators Ireland www.illustratorsireland.com To be opened by Donna Cooney Artist – 1916 Relatives Association – Save Moore Street Thursday 10th March @ 8pm The United…
Facial Expression An exhibition celebrating the human face From portraiture to caricature the human face has remained central to visual expression. This show features the work of Illustrators Ireland members exploring this theme. To be opened by John Minihan- Iconic Photographer Thursday 26th February @ 8pm The United Arts Club 3 Upper Fitzwilliam St Dublin…
Illustrators Ireland- an exhibition of contemporary Illustration To be opened by Bren Byrne- Offset>> Thursday 31st January @ 8pm Exhibition continues until February 18th 2013 Viewing Mon to Friday 11am to 11pm www.illustratorsireland.com www.scamp.ie The United Arts Club>> 3 Upper Fitzwilliam St Dublin 2 Exhibitors include- Martin Beckett Eva Byrne Jesse Campbell Brown Nicola Colton…
I’ve a piece in this show….. Illustrators Ireland (IGI)>> presents Laundry. 70 of Ireland’s leading illustrators, designers and photographers converge on South Studios on September 29th to air their dirty laundry in public. Throwing a spotlight on all things murky, expect guilty secrets, fetishes, embarrassments and one or two skeletons to fall out of cupboards…