A drawing from a few months back…..
I just finished hanging my solo show yesterday in The United Arts Club. Thanks to Angel Loughery the clubs Arts Convenor for all her help and encouragement. Also Thanks to Tony Strickland and Sarah Leahy for helping to promote my first solo show in the UAC. An extra big Thanks to PJ for doing the…
Here’s a few events I’ve work in for Culture Night The Powerscourt Gallery presents ‘Nude’ Group Exhibition Friday 23rd September 2011 6pm -9pm More info>> The Merrion School of Music- I LOVE MUSIC – Culture Night 2011 More info>> The United Arts Club More info>>
Another mornings work at the RHA>> life drawing
This is inspired from Ghoti>>
This is a drawing of Grace, a really excellent model, done a few weeks back at the RHA>> PJ Lynch>> has a post here of work he did the same day… excellent stuff. My attempt is Charcoal and pastel on Mi-Teintes paper. A mornings work.
A mornings work at the RHA>> life drawing. Charcoal and pastel on Mi-Teintes paper.
I’ve a peice in a show that opens this Tuesday. The image was up on an earlier post here>>
We had a great model Amanda last week at the RHA>> Drawing. A mornings work charcoal and pastel.
This is my take on the famous icon Our Lady of Perpetual Succour>> The original icon has a very interesting history behind it. We had a print of it hanging for years in my Grandmothers house, where did it get to I wonder. Done for a fundraising exhibition to take place in Ranelagh in May.…