Some thing I’m just finishing off now… A scraperboard of Cloughaneely>>
Some thing I’m just finishing off now… A scraperboard of Cloughaneely>>
In case you are looking for hand made Christmas gifts, Damn Fine Print Studio have an interesting selection of screen prints available. They have now launched an online store here>> selling all the remaining prints and will also have a little print pop up store at this coming weekends Dublin Flea/ BLOCK T xmas Flea…
This scraperboard of a building that was near to Dunlewey>> will be on show at The United Arts Club’s>> Christmas members show. Opening Thursday 13th December @ 8pm I think Tom Scott >> President of The Dublin Painting and Sketching Club>> is opening the show.
A scraperboard from earlier in the year. BTW I have a different piece in a show that opens tonight in The Copperhouse Gallery >>
A scraperboard of Jubilee Tower, Forest of Bowland>>, Lancashire.
I am currently illustrating a book of poems. The illustrations are great fun to work on and all of picturesque Lancashire. Here is a little taster…
I was very lucky and got a scraperboard in to this years RUA>> Above is a detail of the work I had accepted, full image was posted on my blog earlier…..Here>>
Here is my finished scraperboard for The Illustrated Beatles exhibition. Also here is the flyer for the event, come along if you can.
Here are four stages of an image I’m working on for an upcoming exhibition “The Illustrated Beatles”. I was given the song “While my guitar gently weeps” Going to colour this and post the final piece later.