Old house
A scraperboard series I’m working on of Irish vernacular buildings.
A scraperboard series I’m working on of Irish vernacular buildings.
A mornings work at the RHA>> life drawing. Charcoal and pastel on Mi-Teintes paper.
Initial thumbnail sketch Worked up in charcoal and pastel Finished scraperboard that was accepted in to the RHA>> Annual show
A drawing of Gea from a few weeks back at the RHA>>
We had an interesting model at the RHA>> drawing yesterday, a horse called Toby. This was done in about 2 hours. A slide show from The Irish Times here >> You can see a clip from RTE’s news here>>
We had a great model Amanda last week at the RHA>> Drawing. A mornings work charcoal and pastel.
You are invited to a preview of work from a selection of IGI members To be opened by Anne Gildea of The Nualas Thursday 24th March @ 8pm The United Arts Club 3 Upper Fitzwilliam St Dublin 2 Exhibition continues until April 11th 2011 Viewing Mon to Friday 11am to 11pm www.illustratorsireland.com www.scamp.ie Featuring; Eoin…
Done the other week at the RHA>> life room. A mornings work, done on A1 Murano paper, charcoal and pastel.
Another mornings work at the RHA>> drawing. Charcoal and pastel on coloured Murano paper.
I have a couple of Life Paintings in a group show in Limerick, which opens this evening. Here’s one from an earlier post >> It’s an exhibition of work done at the “DrawingThursday” sessions at the RHA >>school. Work was selected by Mick O’Dea RHA>> and Donald Teskey RHA>> The Bourn Vincent Gallery >> Foundation…